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This work was supported by the UCLA Medical Informatics Institute (MII) and the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI). Special thanks to Dr. Alex Bui for his invaluable guidance and support, and to Panayiotis Petousis for his original contributions to this codebase.

Key contributors to the codebase are Panayiotis Petousis, Arthur Funnell and Leonid Shpaner.

Citing Model Tuner

   author       = {Funnell, Arthur, and
                   Shpaner, Leonid and
                   Petousis, Panayiotis},
   title        = {Model Tuner},
   month        = jul,
   year         = 2024,
   publisher    = {Zenodo},
   version      = {0.0.23a},
   doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.12727322},
   url          = {}