

Complete version release history available here

Version 0.0.22a

  • Fixed an issue where the feature selection name was not referenced correctly, causing a bug when printing selected feature names with the updated pipeline.

  • Removed resolved print statements from April, 2024.

Version 0.0.21a

  • Specified the pipeline class otherwise the method just returned a list

  • Removed need to specify self.estimator when its called

  • Generalized (renamed) "K Best Features" to just "Best Features" inside returns of return_metrics()

  • Generalized (renamed) k_best_features to best_features

Version 0.0.20a

  • Added flexibility between boolean and None for stratification inputs

  • Added custom exception for non pandas inputs in return_bootstrap_metrics

  • Enforced required model_type input to be specified as "classification" or "regression"

  • Removed extraneous "=" print below pipeline_steps

  • Handled missing pipeline_steps when using imbalance_sampler

  • Updated requirements for python==3.11

  • Fixed SMOTE for early stopping

  • Removed extra model_type input from

Version 0.0.19a

  • Requirements updated again to make compatible with google colab out of the box.

  • Bug in fit() method where best_params wasn’t defined if we didn’t specify a score

  • Threshold bug now actually fixed. Specificity and other metrics should reflect this. (Defaults to 0.5 if optimal_threshold is not specified).

Version 0.0.18a

  • Updated requirements to include numpy versions <1.26 for Python 3.8-3.11.

This should stop a rerun occurring when using the library on a google colab.

Version 0.0.17a

Major fixes:

  • Verbosity variable is now popped from the parameters before the fit

  • Bug with Column Transformer early stopping fixed (valid set is now transformed correctly)

  • Return metrics now has a consistent naming convention

  • report_model_metrics is now using the correct threshold in all cases

  • Default values updated for train_val_test_split

  • tune_threshold_Fbeta is now called with the correct number of parameters in all cases

  • Requirements updates: XGBoost updated to 2.1.2 for later Python versions.

Minor changes:

  • help(model_tuner) should now be correctly formatted in google colab

Version 0.0.16a

  • Custom pipeline steps now updated (our pipeline usage has been completely changed and should now order itself and support non named steps) always ensures correct order

  • This fixed multiple other issues that were occuring to do with logging of imbalanced learn

  • Reporting model metrics now works.

  • AutoKeras code deprecated and removed.

  • KFold bug introduced because of CatBoost. This has now been fixed.

  • Pretty print of pipeline.

  • Boosting variable has been renamed.

  • Version constraints have been updated and refactored.

  • tune_threshold_Fbeta has been cleaned up to remove unused parameters.

  • train_val_test unnecessary self removed and taken outside of class method.

  • deprecated in favor of pyproject.toml per forthcoming pip25 update.

Version 0.0.15a

Contains all previous fixes relating to:

  • CatBoost support (early stopping, and support involving resetting estimators).

  • Pipeline steps now support hyperparameter tuning of the resamplers (SMOTE, ADASYN, etc.).

  • Removed older implementations of impute and scaling and moved onto supporting only custom pipeline_steps.

  • Fixed bugs in stratification with regards to length mismatch of dependent variable when using column names to stratify.

  • Cleaned a removed multiple lines of unused code and unused initialisation parameters.

Version 0.0.014a

In previous versions, the train_val_test_split method allowed for stratification either by y (stratify_y) or by specified columns (stratify_cols), but not both at the same time. There are use cases where stratification by both the target variable (y) and specific columns is necessary to ensure a balanced and representative split across different data segments.


Modified the train_val_test_split method to support simultaneous stratification by both stratify_y and stratify_cols. This was inside the method achieved by implementing the following logic that ensures both y and the specified columns are considered during the stratification process.

stratify_key = pd.concat([X[stratify_cols], y], axis=1)

strat_key_val_test = pd.concat(
   [X_valid_test[stratify_cols], y_valid_test], axis=1

Version 0.0.013a

  • Updated bootstrapper

  • evaluate_bootstrap_metrics

  • Added notebooks/ to test it

  • Updated requirements.txt file for dev testing

  • Fixed sampling error on low number of samples inside bootstrapper

Version 0.0.012a

  • Xgboost bug fixes

  • Zenodo updates

  • Pickle model fixes with np import

  • ADASYN and SMOTE fix with no fit happening when calibrating

Version 0.0.011a

  • updated readme for PyPI

  • previous version not saved on setup; re-release to 0.0.11a

Version 0.0.010a

  • updated readme for PyPI

Version 0.0.09a

  • number of estimators now extracted from XGBoost model object

  • early stopping fixed

Version 0.0.08a


  • Changed layers key to store count instead of list to avoid exceeding MLflow’s 500-char limit.

  • Simplified function by removing key filtering loop.

Version 0.0.07a

  • Kfold threshold tuning fix

Version 0.0.06a

  • Updating best_params: ref before assignment bug

Version 0.0.05a

  • Bootstrapper: - Fixed import bugs - Fixed Assertion bug to do with metrics not being assigned

  • Early stopping: - Leon: fixed bug with SelectKBest and ADASYN where the wrong code chunk was being utilized - Arthur: Verbosity fix

Version 0.0.02a

  • temporarily commented out updated apache software license string in

  • updated logo resolution